Les Cultures Laboratory of international culture is a non-partisan non-profit association. It was set up in Lecco in 1993 by nine members from seven different countries. Its main office is in Lecco, with two permanent operating branches in Agadez in Niger and Chernigov in the Ukraine.

Our vision
We believe in a world free of prejudice, poverty, and discrimination that rejects war and economical and social injustice, ready to welcome the contribution of all cultures and promote the development of an open and inclusive society. We want to transform identity, political, and cultural barriers into frontiers, points of contact, exchange, and communication.

Our mission
We work towards maintaining an open society that is against all kinds of discrimination and does not deny cultural diversity, but instead brings it together for the purposes of integration, creating spaces of shared everyday life. Difference of identity, origin, religion, and culture is a source of human and cultural wealth and growth. In order to achieve these objectives, we intervene in the themes of integration, defending rights, cooperation for development, and cultural promotion, pursuing goals of social cohesion.

Our values
The values at the basis of our work are equal rights, respecting diversity, solidarity, and justice. These values become solid through the effort and responsibility of each individual, showing transparency of intentions, and an outlook of equal collaboration between different peoples.

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