We work towards maintaining an open society that is against all kinds of discrimination and does not deny cultural diversity, but instead brings it together for the purposes of integration, creating spaces of shared everyday life. Difference of identity, origin, religion, and culture is a source of human and cultural wealth and growth. In order to achieve these objectives, we intervene in three different themes, pursuing goals of social cohesion:

  • socio-cultural integration of migrant citizens living in the province of Lecco
  • international cooperation in Niger and the Ukraine
  • cultural promotion

These three work areas, so different from one another, are connected by a common denominator: turning walls into bridges, barriers into frontiers, confrontations into dialogue, and differences into mutual enrichment.


Who we do it for:

People are at the centre of our interventions.

In 2019:

  • cultural mediations:
    interventions at the rehabilitation centre La Nostra Famiglia, for a total of 125 hours;
    interventions for asylum-seekers, for a total of 242 hours;
    approximately 200 hours of interventions for foreign children in the schools throughout the province of Lecco.
  • Over 200 people received free legal advice thanks to the service of the Ufficio Diritti (Rights Office)
    Free legal assistance to roughly 100 foreign citizens and 105 asylum-seekers at the Rights Office.
  • Language facilities:
    interventions of language facilitation for approximately 500 foreign children in the schools of the province of Lecco;
    organisation of 5 Italian courses for foreigners.
  • International cooperation:
    22 Ukranian children came to Italy thanks to the summer and winter therapeutic hospitality projects;
    10 Ukrainian children in economic and social difficulty are supported at a distance;
    1,000 children and mothers in northern Niger have received vaccinations and medical visit;
    55 women involved in a project of empowerment in Ghana.


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